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Ubisoft acquires Action Pants studios

Canadian developer picked up before the release of its first title, a sports game for the Wii, due out later this year

Ubisoft has announced it has acquired Canada-based developer Action Pants - making it the publisher's first in-house development studio on the North American west coast.

The studio of more than 110 developers, founded by Simon Andrews, Nik Palmer and Omar Al-Khafaji, will see the release of its first title, a Wii sports game, later this year.

"We have been looking closely at Vancouver for some time, as we wished to set up a presence in what is one of the industry's biggest talent pools," said Christine Burgess-Quemard, executive director of worldwide production studios at Ubisoft.

"The creative talent at Action Pants made the decision an easy one, and we are delighted to both establish ourselves in the region as well as welcome a fantastic group of experienced developers who can start exchanging with our other teams worldwide."

Simon Andrews added: "We are very excited about this opportunity, and how it will benefit our studio."

"Action Pants and Ubisoft share very similar values and we are confident that this synergy will provide all of our staff with new and exciting opportunities, as well as resources that will benefit all of our future products."

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