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TimeGate Studios wins trademark dispute

TV broadcaster ABC agrees to refrain from using the name Section 8

ABC and developer TimeGate Studios have settled their trademark dispute over the title Section 8.

The US TV broadcaster backed down from plans to use the name in an upcoming sci-fi show after legal action was launched over trademark infringement by TimeGate. The Texas based developers, behind FEAR: Perseus Mandate and FEAR: Extraction Point, had planned to use the title for an FPS currently in development.

"Protecting one's intellectual property rights is paramount in the entertainment business and it's no different at TimeGate," said Adel Chaveleh, TimeGate's CEO.

"With an amicable resolution to this issue in hand, we can continue our focus on making Section 8 an incredible and unforgettable first person shooter experience," he added.

The title Section 8 refers to US military regulations for discharging an officer for the reason of being mentally unfit.

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