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The Chronicles of Spellborn

New diary available from sound man Matthew Florianz.

Berlin, 4th of April 2008: That the developers of The Chronicles of Spellborn put much emphasis on ingame sound vibrant with atmosphere has already been emphasized by Sound Designer Matthew Florianz in a first article. In a new developer journal the sound engineer now explains the creation of background ambiences for the eerie high level region of Shorath Mesa. Two accompanying sound examples demonstrate how he carefully underscores places like the impressive “Shrine of Currents” or natural surroundings like forests and swamps with subtle sound elements. Together with the sound journal the mp3s are available on right now. The first article is still online here:

What lies hidden, must be found

With The Chronicles of Spellborn players immerge into an impressive online scenario with scenic landscapes, majestic cities and the remnants of an ancestor civilization. On their own or with a party of allies PC adventurers step into a huge fantasy realm consisting of varied shard worlds floating in the magic Deadspell Storm. Those, who want to prevail in the grippingly staged combats of The Chronicles of Spellborn, need to apply their mighty arsenal of spells, melee and ranged attacks skilfully. Fights against bloodthirsty creatures, hostile peoples and human opponents in PvP battles are waiting. An innovative and tactically challenging combat system with shooter-like controls and rotating skill deck promises a fresh breath of air for the dusty MMORPG genre. Thanks to the largely extended Unreal Engine 2.5 The Chronicles of Spellborn boasts with stunning 3D graphics, spectacular effects and countless lovely details. Depending on the current closed beta test, the game will be published within the second quarter of 2008. More information, images and videos can be found on

About Spellborn NV

Spellborn NV is a computer games company residing in the Netherlands. It has grown from a midrange internet company to the top of the Dutch games industry. With a team of 50 game designers and programmers Spellborn NV has developed ‘The Chronicles of Spellborn’ over a period of more than 3 years now.

About Frogster Interactive Pictures AG

Frogster Interactive Pictures AG is a Berlin-based holding company with stakes in the field of computer games. Frogster acts as publisher of virtual worlds, so-called Massively Multiplayer Online Games, a growth sector in the games industry. The fully owned subsidiary FIP Publishing GmbH, based in Berlin, acts as publisher of computer games of all genres and price classes and is among the market leaders in Germany. The company publishes and distributes PC games by international licensors under its labels Brigades, Eclypse and BacktoGames. OnlineWelten, a Frogster stake based in Berlin, is one of the most influential broad impact German language MMOG and Gaming portals (Frogster stake 83%). Frogster Studios Co. Ltd., based in Seoul (Republic of Korea), develops MMOGs and publishes its own as well as licensed virtual worlds in Asia (stake 50%). Yusho GmbH (stake 50%) runs virtual worlds on its own servers and delivers accounting services for subscriptions and virtual items sales for its customers. The Frogster group currently employs more than 70 staff. Internet:


Spellborn NV

Pierre-Yves Deslandes

PR Manager

Gevers Deynootweg 93

NL-2586 BK Den Haag

The Netherlands

Phone +31 (70) 3389104

Fax +31 (70) 3389106


Frogster Interactive Pictures AG

Axel Schmidt

PR Manager

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D-10623 Berlin


Phone +49 (0) 30 - 28 47 01 -44

Fax +49 (0) 30 - 28 47 01 -11


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