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Spiders workers to strike as open letter calls out mismanagement

Update: Spiders has addressed the situation, condemning what it calls "false and even defamatory accusations" as employees prepare to strike next week

Image credit: Spiders Action Committee

Original story, August 27, 2025: Workers at French studio Spiders have announced a strike planned for the week starting September 2.

A committee representing employees has published an open letter via union STJV, going through the alleged issues at the Nacon-owned studio, spanning several years.

44 workers out of Spiders' 95 staff signed the Spiders Action Committee letter as of August 27, with the strike to take place on September 2 and 3 in front of Spiders' offices and online on a Minecraft server set up for the occasion.

This follows an alleged failed meeting attempt with the head of the company on August 23. Spiders is headed by CEO Anne Devouassoux.

The committee said this also follows a previous strike that took place in January, primarily regarding remote working, as well as a previous open later that Spiders management has reportedly not addressed.

"Since then, new negotiations have begun on wages, and conditions in the studio have continued to deteriorate," the report read. "Today, it is with regret that we speak out publicly, in the hope that this will finally push management to act in the best interests of employees and the company."

The alleged problems highlighted by staff include low wages, mismanagement, lack of transparency, high turnover at the company, a poor gender balance and pay gap, refusal to acknowledge collective action, and more.

The open letter pointed to Spiders' fast growth, and to its alleged lack of proper structures to handle the changes.

"In 2020, Spiders employed only 40 salaried workers and produced one game at a time. Today the number of workers has more than doubled. Doubts surrounding the painful introduction of a second production line and the studio's first early access for Greedfall 2, both decisions forced through without consultation or even discussion, further accentuate the general sense of anxiety.

"The company's organisation has changed little, if at all, over the last few years, apart from a slight increase in managerial posts and a densification of hierarchy."

The employees have also reported that the development of Greedfall 2 is currently "underwater" with workers "accumulating burnouts."

The staff are demanding better transparency and worker representation, a simplification of the studio's organisation via a collective consultation, guarantees related to remote working, anti discrimination policies, rectification of the studio's gender pay gap, better wages, and more.

Concluding the letter, the committee said: "The current corporate strategy appears incomprehensible to us, devoid of any rational explanation, and we hope that our efforts can finally push the collective determination of a clear direction."

Update, August 29, 2025: In a statement sent yesterday, Spiders has addressed the situation, condemning what it calls "false and even defamatory accusations." Management should be meeting with a delegation of employees by the end of the week, the statement further said. You can read it in full below.

"The Union of Video Game Workers (STJV) has publicly relayed allegations concerning the working environment at Spiders. The false and even defamatory accusations made by the STJV in no way reflect the reality of the day-to-day working life of the company's employees and are an attack on the reputation of the studio, whose teams are fully mobilized to produce quality games and enthusiastically ensure the Early Access release of Greedfall 2.

"Spiders' management is committed to open and constructive social dialogue. After unsuccessful attempts over the last few days to meet with a delegation of employees, they have proposed a meeting again by the end of the week.

"Spiders' employees are the heart of the studio, and we are determined to maintain an inclusive and stimulating working environment in which every talent can flourish and of which we can all be proud."

Greedfall 2 is due to launch in Early Access at the end of September.

A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Spiders' CEO was Jehanne Rousseau, but she left this position in April 2023 to become creative and production director. The number of signatures to the open letter has also been updated.

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Marie Dealessandri: Marie joined in 2019 to head its Academy section. A journalist since 2012, she started in games in 2016. She can be found (rarely) tweeting @mariedeal, usually on a loop about Baldur’s Gate and the Dead Cells soundtrack. GI resident Moomins expert.
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