PlayStation Mobile SDK goes public
Sony opens up Vita, PlayStation 3 and certified devices to independent developers
Sony has released the public version of the PlayStation Mobile SDK, allowing developers to create content for a wide range of devices and sell through the PlayStation Store.
As well as PlayStation Certified Android hardware, developers can build apps and games for the PlayStation Vita, PSP and the PlayStation 3 with an annual license fee of JPY 7980 ($99 / £60).
Sony is also offering development support to the community and any projects started during the beta phase should transition over to the public SDK.
PlayStation Mobile is Sony's attempt to open up its hardware to independent development, adding the PlayStation brand to games and apps created for Sharp, Fujitsu, HTC, Asus, Wikipad and Sony Ericsson hardware.
In an interview earlier this year, Sony's Jim Ryan said that over 50 different development studios were creating content for PlayStation Mobile, which he hoped would act as a gateway for users unfamiliar with PlayStation products.