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Neko's Laurent Lichnewsky

The French developer's MD on why the company picked up student project Puddle Who owns the IP for the student project?
Laurent Lichnewsky

It's the team's IP. Have you added to the original team of six?
Laurent Lichnewsky

We've got five of them - the last one, for different reasons, has chosen to work somewhere else. But he's still helping the team. They're very close, it's a solid partnership. So with Uncanny Fish Hunt, another student project, also seeing some recognition, it seems that the French games education system must be pretty strong?
Laurent Lichnewsky

Not as much as the US or Canada, but it's okay. What needs to improve to help games education in France, in that case?
Laurent Lichnewsky

I think money, of course! But more than that, there needs to be more teachers involved in the industry - not separated. It's the same across Europe, in the UK or Germany, it's about the same level, but I think there's a big difference in the US, or even Japan. And how about the general business environment - has the cultural tax credit had an impact? Most would argue it's not enough, I know.
Laurent Lichnewsky

It's not enough, but it's a good start. It's never enough. Is Canada a big problem for you, in terms of talent drain?
Laurent Lichnewsky

Yes, but it's not too bad a situation. There are a lot of schools, which helps.

Laurent Lichnewsky is MD of Neko Entertainment. Interview by Phil Elliott.

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