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Mona Lisa Duck

Italian games culture association launches video spot.

Rome, April 23th 2010

AIOMI, the Italian Association for the Multimedia Interactive Works - Movement for the Videogame Culture (, is proud to announce and to diffuse its first official spot for the promotion of the Videogame culture.

During its National Assembly, held on the 17th of April at the Cartoons of the Bay 2010, and introduced by a written greeting of the Minister of the Youth Giorgia Meloni, the founders of the Association, Marco Accordi Rickards and Raoul Carbone, revealed to the public the spot produced by AIOMI in order to promote, valorize and make everyone know the cultural value of the videogame medium.

The video, created by Nicola Ferrarese and Corrado Agnese, makes a creative synthesis between one of the most important piece of art of all times (the Gioconda painting by Leonardo Da Vinci) and one of the most famous videogames in history (Duck Hunt), in order to fight against the prejudices that make people think about videogames like they were only a childish entertainment, showing that also the videogame medium needs its place into a museum, the most recognizable place where one can find every form of art. Mona Lisa Duck is the title of this spot, and it will be just the first of a series of videos that AIOMI will produce in the next months, while waiting for the opening of the ViGaMus in Rome, the permanent Museum of Videogames (

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