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Mental health charity Take This at risk of shutting down

Organisation could cease to exist by end of 2024 if it can't raise $80,000 by the end of September

Image credit: Take This

Mental health charity Take This is in danger of closing, clinical director Raffael Boccamazzo has announced.

In a blog post, Boccamazzo explained that the games-focused charity needs to raise $80,000 by the end of September or it will cease to exist by the end of 2024.

Take This executive director Eve Crevoshay had already shared the charity's financial difficulties earlier this year, saying in February that the organisation needed to fill a $200,000 funding gap by June.

"As hard as we've worked to make up that gap, we still need significant help," Boccamazzo now said. "Without your support, Take This and all of our impactful programs will cease to exist."

Take This is also in need of ongoing financial support, Boccamazzo added: "Even after we raise the needed, immediate funds, we need to find substantive, ongoing support to make sure that all these invaluable and impactful efforts don't simply evaporate.

"A lot of what we do as an organisation is uncompensated or underfunded, which is often the nature of nonprofit work."

He later added: "We've been at this for so long because we believe in what we do: bringing mental health knowledge and resources to the game community."

Ways to help Take This are detailed on Boccamazzo's blog post if you want to learn more.

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Marie Dealessandri: Marie joined in 2019 to head its Academy section. A journalist since 2012, she started in games in 2016. She can be found (rarely) tweeting @mariedeal, usually on a loop about Baldur’s Gate and the Dead Cells soundtrack. GI resident Moomins expert.
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