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Langdell finds new trade mark target

Trade mark applied for on Killer Edge Racing, a game already out for five years

Killer Edge Racing from PuzzleKings is the latest game to be targeted by IP hunter Timothy Langdell, who has complained to Apple that the casual title is infringing his Edge trade mark.

Additionally, it appears that Langdell has now applied to register a trade mark for "Killer Edge Racing" in a bid to prevent PuzzleKings from using the name, despite the fact that the game has been around for five years.

But Sheridans, the legal firm acting on PuzzleKings founder Nalin Sharma's behalf, has told that it believes the case - as with the recent Mobigame one - is without merit.

"In this case and the Mobigame case we consider that under trade mark law it is necessary for Langdell (or his companies) to show that the public will be confused into believing there is an economic connection between his marks and the names used the games in question," explained Alex Chapman. "There is clearly, in our view no prospect of this being the case in respect of 'Killer Edge Racing' or 'Edge by Mobigame' - and that is before you go on to consider whether Langdell's (or his company's marks are even valid)."

And Alex Tutty, also of Sheridans, said: "Additionally we have learned that Langdell is behind an application to register a US Trade Mark for 'Killer Edge Racing' despite the fact that this mark has been used freely by Nalin for five years."

Last month Mobigame's title Edge reappeared on the App Store - it had been the subject of a lengthy legal dispute with Langdell, but his argument seemed to dissipate after EA stepped into the battle at the end of September.

Langdell's actions have been highly unpopular in the industry, and he stepped down from the IGDA board in September after a well-supported petition against him was put together by the membership - although a specific reason for his resignation was never given.

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