Hitman vets form new dev studio
Founders of IO Interactive and creators of Hitman franchise form Reto-Moto
The founders of Hitman and Kane & Lynch developer IO Interactive have announced the formation of a new studio called Reto-Moto.
The Denmark-based outfit is targeting the online multiplayer market, and although product details are under wraps, it has confirmed it is already in talks with possible business partners.
"We've seen the interactive online market develop significantly in the last five years," commented David Guldbrandsen, chief technology officer of Reto-Moto.
"Fresh from the global success of Hitman we think our new company Reto-Moto is well placed to capture commercial and creative advantage."
Neil Donnell, chief executive officer of Reto-Moto added: "It's imperative for any successful games developing company in today's market to have a leadership team with proven talent and track record.
"After 10 years working together at IO we know we have both."