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Don Daglow suspends Kickstarter campaign

Smartphone games and Kickstarter do not mix, the industry vet says

Last week, longtime game designer Don Daglow launched a Kickstarter to raise funds for his new smartphone project Tony La Russa's Baseball With Fans. The title has managed to raise just $2,440 (a goal of $249,000 was set) as of this writing and Daglow has now decided that Kickstarter isn't the best option. He's suspending the campaign, noting that smartphone titles typically don't get a lot of funding.

"We knew the job was dangerous when we took it! No one on Kickstarter had ever raised more than $78,000 for a Smartphone game, and PC is the platform of choice here. We have concluded that even our experienced team is not going to raise the needed money for a Smartphone title, so we have suspended the Kickstarter campaign. We will reformulate our plans and report back on what we're up to!" he wrote.

In a separate email to GamesIndustry International, he commented, "I'm now looking at a different platform mix and schedule before we bring it back. No one has broken through with a mobile-only game on Kickstarter and it became apparent early on that we were not going to break that same low ceiling."

While Kickstarter has been hugely successful for some big names in the industry, others - like David Braben and Peter Molyneux - have run into some resistance and drawn criticism for digital panhandling.

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James Brightman has been covering the games industry since 2003 and has been an avid gamer since the days of Atari and Intellivision. He was previously EIC and co-founder of IndustryGamers and spent several years leading GameDaily Biz at AOL prior to that.
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