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Code Coven launches studio accreditation program

Evolve aims at setting a standard for accountability and DEI in the games industry

Code Coven has unveiled its new studio accreditation program, called Evolve, in partnership with

Evolve aims to set a benchmark for accountability among games industry firms, creating a standard for DEI best practices.

The process to get accredited includes an extensive questionnaire covering everything from benefits to compensation and representation. The idea is to review studios' policies and culture, as well as consulting with employees about their workplace.

By the end of the process, studios can get accredited and will receive an in-depth report alongside the employee survey, including next steps to improve their DEI policies. will highlight accredited studios via the GI jobs board.

Vancouver-based studio East Side Games is the first studio to be Evolve-accredited, with director of people and culture Julie Yang commenting: "Being part of the Code Coven Studio Accreditation Program signifies our commitment to our organisation, and to the broader gaming community, to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion.

"This process has been incredibly valuable, providing us with meaningful insights that will inform and guide our continuous efforts in EDI. We hope other studios will join us in this journey!”

Code Coven co-CEO Cinzia Musio added: "This is the first step towards creating real accountability in the industry. I genuinely believe that with studios on board, we can make a real change within the space. This truly is the first of its kind accreditation."

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Marie Dealessandri: Marie joined in 2019 to head its Academy section. A journalist since 2012, she started in games in 2016. She can be found (rarely) tweeting @mariedeal, usually on a loop about Baldur’s Gate and the Dead Cells soundtrack. GI resident Moomins expert.
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