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Baverstock steps down as Tiga chairman

Kuju boss keen to see "fresh blood and fresh ideas" injected into developer body

Kuju boss Ian Baverstock has resigned from the post of Tiga chairman following eight years of close association with developer trade body - he held the chairman post for four years having been on the board since the organisation's inception in 2001.

Speaking to he explained that there was nothing sinister to the move, but felt that it was time for a change and the opportunity for new faces to take a turn.

"It's time for fresh blood and fresh ideas," he said. "I've been there since the beginning and there comes a time when you just feel that you've added all that you can.

"I believe in the future of Tiga enough to step aside and leave it in fresh hands," he added.

A new chairman has so far not been chosen, as the Tiga board has not yet met to discuss the issue following key member illness, but a decision is expected to be made later this month.

Baverstock revealed that he had intended to stand down as chair last year, but felt that the then-incoming CEO, Richard Wilson, would benefit from some continuity, and so stayed on a little longer.

He also explained that he wouldn't remain as a board member, handing over instead to Zoe Mode studio boss Ed Daly.

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