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Frontier's Jurassic World Evolution and Planet Coaster both cross 2m sales milestone

While Elite Dangerous reached three million

Frontier Developments has hit new sales milestones with its three self-published titles.

Planet Coaster has hit two million sales, as has Jurassic World Evolution. The latter game was released just seven months ago, making it the most successful game launch for Frontier to-date.

Meanwhile the long-serving Elite Dangerous has now exceeded three million unit sales.

All three have been Frontier's main releases since it moved away from work-for-hire in order to develop and publish its own projects.

The results mean that Frontier hit revenues of £64 million for the first half of its financial year, up from £19 million the year before. The business expects to generate between £75 million to £88 million for the full financial year.

"We are very pleased with the success of Jurassic World Evolution, which has been our biggest launch to date," says CEO David Braben. "Elite Dangerous and Planet Coaster also continue to perform well, as our strategy of supporting, nurturing and enhancing each of our game franchises continues to deliver.  I look forward to providing more details about our fourth game franchise, as well as our existing franchises, in the coming months."

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Christopher Dring: Chris is a 17-year media veteran specialising in the business of video games. And, erm, Doctor Who
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