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Zynga apologizes for random DLC pricing experiment

Publisher charged players between $5 and $35 for Fast and the Furious tie-in car in CSR Racing 2

It's not uncommon for publishers to A/B test their games, but taking that tack when it comes to how much to charge for in-game items is a bit riskier. As reported by Kotaku, Zynga recently tested a new idea in CSR Racing 2, randomly charging players between $5 and $35 for a tie-in car from the recent Fate of the Furious film.

A number of players complained, prompting Zynga to address the matter on the game's official support page.

"From time to time we test different features in the game, and on this occasion the price of the cars was set randomly as part of a test," the company said. "While the test has been completed and everyone should now have the same experience in CSR2, we want to acknowledge that we heard from many of you that this test created a poor experience.

"We apologise for any frustration this test may have caused and want to assure you it was done at random and not based on player history. Testing features is an important part of game development but we're sorry this test missed the mark and disrupted your game experience."

Zynga said those who purchased the car at the maximum price will be receiving an in-game compensation package within the next day. It's unclear how many price points the car was offered at, though Zynga appears to have settled on a $15 price point now that the test is over with.

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Brendan Sinclair: Brendan joined in 2012. Based in Toronto, Ontario, he was previously senior news editor at GameSpot.
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