World War II Warfare
Browser-based strategy game launches new servers.,a dedicated browser game fans community, has announced today that the game----WWII Warfare( would be opening its arms to a group of new North American servers at 02:00, Nov 12, 2009 (EST). This new server comes by popular demand and most likely to many cheers from the Playcomet Gaming community.
The new server is currently named as 1943 according to Word War II Year sequence. (The previous servers are 1939,1940,1941,1942)
To celebrate the launch of the latest update and new server, presents an amazing new theme that reveals the allied power. Also, they bring a high quality server that can support thousands of players to play in the server 1943.
The game has also received a significant technical update today to include VIP Account Services and player Referral Program (
The VIP Account Services – which are available to all new and current WWII players – include:
1.All resource output will increase by 10%
2.All units' consumption will reduce by 20%.
3.VIP players can search more targets that can be reached.
4.Players can collect and add 30 players' information.
and much more.
All of them go live from today. No matter old and new players, they can create a new character to play in the Server 1943. At the same time, WWII Warfare Team has been preparing much more surprises to players, which are available right now.
The player Referral Program allows current players and incoming players or media partners to invite friends to enjoy a free bonus service of the game. More importantly, it allows players to make real USD.
About WWII Warfare:
WWII Warfare is a free browser-based strategy game set at the height of World War II. With the Axis against the Allies, both sides will engage in the battle. In WWII Warfare, you can build your own base and develop your infrastructure, such as military academy, medical center, depot and command center, etc.
About is a browser game fans community presented by Thus far, the Playcomet team has developed 3 unique browser-based games –Warrior Legends (, WWII Warfare (, TransForce (, and successfully published the three browser games involved and Two Client MMORPG-- Magic World Online ( and Zero Online ( As the newly emerging online game developer and publisher, offers a wide variety of high-quality online games.
More information please visit its official website