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World premiere at the Games Convention: Jane Jensen to present new adventure game "Gray Matter" at dtp press conference

Hamburg, Germany: August 16, 2006 - German publisher dtp entertainment AG is bringing a star developer to the Leipzig Games Convention as part of the ANACONDA label line-up: On Thursday, August 24, renowned adventure game designer Jane Jensen, author of the best-selling "Gabriel Knight" trilogy, will exclusively announce and present her adventure game project "Gray Matter" at a press conference. dtp will publish "Gray Matter" worldwide in the 4th quarter of 2007. Gray Matter is Jane Jensen's first adventure game since the 1999 release of Gabriel Knight 3.

Following the press conference, Jane Jensen will give autographs at the ANACONDA Theatre (hall 5, booth G02) - a one time chance for adventure fans to grace their Jane Jensen games with the game designer's signature and meet the queen of adventure games in person.

"With Jane Jensen, we have signed on a real star of the adventure gaming scene to our team. Her past releases are legendary - Jane Jensen has an excellent reputation. We are very happy to be working with her on her new project "Gray Matter", bringing the adventure gaming genre forward once again," says Carsten Fichtelmann, Marketing Director of dtp entertainment AG.

The press conference is scheduled for August 24 from 11:00h to 12:00h in conference room 1, 3rd floor of the Leipzig Messehaus. The signing will take place from 12:30h at the dtp consumer booth, the ANACONDA theatre (hall 5, booth G02).


Claas Wolter

PR Manager

dtp entertainment AG

Goldbekplatz 3-5

D-22303 Hamburg

Phone: +49 - 40 /66 99 10-43

Fax: +49 - 40 / 66 99 10-10

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