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WebRacing, new multiplayer online project, under development

27 March 2006 - Moscow - NIKITA and UKT announce developing a new multiplayer online project. The race manager WebRacing will open up a new territory for fans of street racing on the web.

WebRacing is a new game project of the BBMMORPG type (browser-based massively multiplayer online role-play game) which does not require installation on one's PC. To start playing, the user just needs to go through a simple registration procedure on the project website.

The game process is based on online racing with real opponents. The player can choose the car, the driver's behavioural pattern, the track, and the rules which the opponent will have to accept. Like in real life, even a competently planned strategy cannot guarantee victory though. Surprises, accidental events independent of the racer's actions, play not the least role.

Special attention in the game is paid to cars, their design and properties can be improved to perfection. Developed driver skills, an excellent car, and a bit of good luck is all you need to have your first place! Syndicate has become a pleasant surprise for fans of illegal races. The friendly interface of the store will help you quickly find necessary devices capable of hampering even the most experienced opponent.

WebRacing provides all necessary conditions for team playing too. If players unite in a club, they will have extra opportunities, including championships, trade between club members, and their own chat. The team has the same goals and unique symbols.

WebRacing is the illegal racing where the sources stand above the aim!

NIKITA, the leading provider of computer games and mobile services and Russia's first game company, was established on 14 October 1991. It has since expanded its operations considerably. Along with computer games development, the company is engaged in localisation of games for Russian users, mobile services, and publication of an interactive magazine for young people. For the time being, the company employs over 200 people and is successfully developing its three main lines of business:

  • development and licensing of games for personal computers;
  • development and provision of value-added entertainment services based on state-of-the-art technologies such as MMS, WAP, GPRS, SMS, and J2ME to subscribers of mobile operators;
  • publication of SMS-Life, an online magazine for young people.

As of now, the company has developed over 100 games of various genres and localised over 50 foreign projects for the Russian market. NIKITA aims at development and services based on state-of-the-art technology and platforms which give access to the best in the world of mobile and computer entertainment.

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