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Vancouver Launches 2008 Game Design Expo Open Call for Speakers and Sponsors

Vancouver, B.C. - Vancouver Film School ("VFS"), the largest private post-secondary entertainment arts institution in Canada, is pleased to announce the launch of the second Game Design Expo on January 19th and 20th, 2008, in Vancouver, B.C. The 2007 Game Design Expo sold out more than a week in advance and was an overwhelming success, confirming the game community's need to come together and discuss the current climate and future of this exploding industry. In 2008, Game Design Expo will bring together the top minds in all aspects of game design, including designers, producers, artists, sound designers, and writers.

Speakers: Game Design Expo is now accepting proposals for lectures, panels, and keynote presentations ( We're looking for great speakers who have something to say. In particular, we are considering the following general topic categories:

The "Fun" Factor: Designing for Play The Audio/Visual Experience The Evolution of Story and Character Battle of the Consoles: One Year Later

With the likes of last year's speakers, including Glenn Entis, Senior Vice President & Chief Visual and Technology Officer for Electronic Arts Worldwide Studios, Eric Zimmerman, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer for Gamelab, and Kevin Barrett, Director of Design for BioWare Corporation, the 2008 Expo is sure to draw some amazing talent and discussion.

Sponsors: VFS believes it's crucial to support the next generation of artists. All sponsorship dollars go directly towards scholarships for students eager to start their career in the exciting world of game design. The inaugural Game Design Expo garnered a $25,000 Full Tuition scholarship sponsored by Electronic Arts Canada. The winner will be announced on June 30, 2007.

For the first time, Game Design Expo will present an award for Outstanding Educational Contribution to the Industry. This is a way for VFS and the educational community to acknowledge those in the industry who go "above and beyond" in support of the next generation of designers and artists.

Vancouver Film School, founded in 1987, offers a proven education across all aspects of the entertainment arts, including Game Design. VFS directly connects students with the people and ideas shaping these disciplines. In 2007 VFS developed the Game Design Expo to bring together professionals in the gaming industry, educators in the field, and students of game design: tomorrow's artists and decision-makers. For further information on VFS and the Game Design Expo, please visit and

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For more information on Vancouver Film School's Game Design Expo please visit, or contact:

Sarah Richards

Public Relations Specialist

Vancouver Film School

+1 (604) 631.3562

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