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Update: TIGA/UKIE launching consultation iniatives for UK tax breaks

Bodies gathering industry opinions to ensure appropriate legislation


TIGA will also be hosting a number of workshops dedicated to canvassing developer opinion and ensuring that UK studios receive the best possible deal from the forthcoming tax breaks for the creative industries.

Four events for developers have been announced today, with more to come, says TIGA. The four dates established so far are: London on July 16, Birmingham on July 17 and Edinburgh and Dundee, both on July 18.

"TIGA will be engaging with developers, digital publishers and the Government to ensure that tax relief is effective, straight-forward to access and supports a wide range of studios, business models and games on different platforms," said TIGA's Dr Richard Wilson. "The tax relief will be a fantastic boost for the UK video games industry, the creative sectors and the UK economy."

Original story

UKIE is canvassing the opinions of the domestic development industry in order to ensure that the forthcoming tax break legislation represents the needs of as broad a range of studios as possible.

The results will be fed back to the government's own consultation process, which is dealing with the tax breaks due to be offered to creative industries as a whole.

"Ukie is in a great position to listen to the industry to help shape the government's thinking on the tax breaks to ensure we get the best possible system for UK businesses," said UKIE CEO Jo Twist.

"We'll be reaching out to as many people as possible and making sure we are in conversation with Tiga, as part of our consultation process. Our membership now includes some of the very best of UK development talent and we will be helping them to have their voice heard by government on this vital issue."

UKIE will be hosting meetings with representatives of all parts of the UK industry spectrum and has invited anyone who wishes to take part to get in touch with head of communications Daniel Wood.

Larger meetings, dealing with wider repercussions of the new tax breaks, will also be held in areas of the country which host large development communities. Dates and locations will be announced as they are confirmed.

UKIE will also be attending the wider forums held by the department of culture, media and sport to represent the games industry. All information for the consultation must be submitted by Monday 10 September.

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