"Two Worlds" takes the next step
Karlsruhe, 19th November 2007 - The "Two Worlds" developers are sheer perfectionists - they're still working on fine-tuning their current RPG megahit - and another result of these Herculean efforts will soon be available in the form of Update 1.6, a package that's chock-full of enhancements. This time they focused on the Multiplayer mode - the lag problems have now been largely remedied and the balancing of the various game modes has been made even more sophisticated - and here are just two examples of how the Single Player version has also benefited from the new data package: the control system of the horses has been enhanced yet again - and wait for it if the player pays an appropriate fine, he may now re-enter towns where he has killed in the past!
You'll find the PC version on www.2-worlds.com and the Xbox-360 version on Xbox Live.