Feature Gaming is not a meritocracy Vlambeer's Rami Ismail pokes holes in the notion of cream rising to the top, explains why devs and platforms may believe in it anyway April 9, 2019 Brendan Sinclair
News What makes a good Kickstarter campaign? Anya Combs talks about ideal video length, the right number of .gifs, and one mistake that will keep any project from being featured April 8, 2019 Brendan Sinclair
Academy Ten tips for pitching from the head of ID@Xbox Chris Charla gives developers a crash course on the dos and don'ts of selling potential partners on game ideas April 3, 2019 Brendan Sinclair
News Epic: "It's never our intent to keep people away from playing a game" David Stelzer and Sergey Galyonkin discuss Epic Games store exclusivity backlash and attracting devs March 28, 2019 Brendan Sinclair