Academy A how-to guide for Muslim representation WB Games Montreal senior designer Osama Dorias offers tips for developers not wanting to alienate a significant chunk of their audience Dec. 12, 2017 Brendan Sinclair 3 comments
News Cuphead dev: "We didn't go from zero to hero" StudioMDHR talks about its challenges and rise to success with the ID@Xbox title during a MIGS 2017 keynote Dec. 12, 2017 Brendan Sinclair 1 comment
Feature Adapting a AAA mindset to live ops Ubisoft's NoƩmi Rouleau discusses Rainbow Six Siege's shift from boxed product development to games-as-a-service Dec. 8, 2017 Brendan Sinclair
Feature Time for games to get cultured on culture Far Cry 4 writer CJ Kershner says developers are getting better about depicting other groups, still have room to improve Dec. 6, 2017 Brendan Sinclair