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The Sustainable Games Alliance wants the industry to "become sustainable"

"By working together, it’s more efficient and cost-effective for all companies," says co-founder

Sustainable Games Alliance logo
Image credit: Sustainable Games Alliance

Games industry veterans have formed the Sustainable Games Alliance, a non-profit organisation dedicated to "helping the games industry become sustainable."

Backed by noted industry professionals such as Unity Technologies founder David Helgason and Remedy co-founder Petri Järvilehto, Sustainable Games Alliance – which is overseen by managing director and co-founder Maria Wagner – is working to make games "the most sustainable form of entertainment on the planet" by creating actionable ways to help the industry measure, understand, and reduce its footprint.

To achieve this, the Alliance is developing a free, open, and global industry standard for sustainability reporting. It hopes to simplify compliance with key regulations such as the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

“Gaming is one of the world’s leading industries in terms of metrics and data, and so it’s in a unique position to leverage all that also in sustainability," said Dr. Ben Abraham, author of Digital Games After Climate Change and one of the leading researchers working on games and sustainability.

"Concrete action is needed, and by working together with a unified set of actions, it’s more efficient and cost-effective for all the member companies and associations”, Wagner says.

"The games industry’s growth over the past 20 years has been stunning, and if we can show the way - not only on revenues, but sustainability as well - we can inspire other industries to follow suit."

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Vikki Blake: When​ ​her friends​ ​were falling in love with soap stars, Vikki was falling in love with​ ​video games. She's a survival horror survivalist​ ​with a penchant for​ ​Yorkshire Tea, men dressed up as doctors and sweary words. She struggles to juggle a fair-to-middling Destiny/Halo addiction​ ​and her kill/death ratio is terrible.
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