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The Podcast: The mixed messages of Modern Warfare

Latest episode also discusses the ongoing AAA shift towards live service games, and what we can expect from PlayStation 10

James, Brendan and Rebekah discuss some of the biggest topics from the past week, starting with the controversy surrounding the latest Call of Duty.

For months, Infinity Ward and Activision have promised a gritty, realistic take on today's global conflicts, and yet critics report these attempts lack substance and are undermined somewhat by a game that remains focused on delivering high-octane setpieces around a super soldier fantasy.

Combine that with the controversy over its child soldier, waterboarding and history-altering Highway of Death sequences, and it's hard to know what Call of Duty really wants to be.

We also reflect on the recents financials for major publishers such as EA and Ubisoft, and how the shift in the AAA space continues towards live service titles, perhaps at the cost of single-player narrative experiences.

Finally, we cast our minds more than 30 years into the future and try to imagine what the recently trademarked PlayStation 10 might look like.

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