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The Game Connection hosted by the Game Developper Conference : United industry in the United States!

The Game Developers Conference and Lyon Game have teamed up to present the Game Connection@GDC in San José, California, from March 21 to 22nd. As a result of its worlwide growing success (Europe, Asia...), the Game Connection business meeting crosses the Atlantic for the third time in a row for in this special edition of Game Connection.

The Game Connection @ GDC : Where two events join forces

70 developers and 50 pulishers from 20 countries are expected to attend the event in San José. Inspired by the success of the Game Connection Europe (of which the 5th edition occurred in Dec. 2005, France), the Game Connection@GDC is a worlwide business meeting dedicated to financing game projects and networking between major actors of the videogame industry.

"GDC is a major rendez vous for most of the worldwide companies evolving in this industry. Mainly frequented for technical topics, GDC and GC decided to team up to provide a relevant and efficient environment for business meetings and confidential talks about future projects to be released." Explains Pierre Carde, managing director of Lyon Game.

The Game Connection : the heart of the game industry

Each of the 70 developers has a private booth to discuss project acquisition with publishers and distributors, and also to find teams to work on their internal development projects or to acquire licences. No business convention has ever had such a high level of contacts in this time span for selling, buying, building partnerships and signing deals. Attendees may participate in 2,000 business meetings over a period of two days.

Game Connection is the place where developers are able to show their talents to publishers and buyers during online pre-planned meetings.

A chance for developers

"For developers it's a must! If you are an independent developer like we were and with very limited funds and you want to meet the right publishers, make sure you attend the Game Connection" says John Baez, from Behemoth.

The Game Connection aims at building a worlwilde strategy to meet the increasing demand of independent developers, and has become the gateway for the biggest publishers in the world to find talents and creativity. Independent and veteran studios, such as Rebellion or Team 17, will be able to show their skills to the majors publishers (Nintendo, Eidos, Capcom, Konami, Sega, VUG...) and also smaller buyers and distributors.


Game Connection @ Game Developers Conference

20-21 March 2006

Fairmont Hotel - 170 South Market Street

San Jose 95113, CA - USA

PR and communication:

Tél :+33 04 37 64 69 53

About the CMP Game Group

A core provider of essential information and community to the professional game industry, the CMP Game Group includes the Game Developers Conference, Game Developer magazine,, the Independent Games Festival, and the Game Developers Choice Awards. For more information, please visit

About Game Connection (

Held annually since 2001 by Lyon Game, the leading professional organization in the French Digital Entertainment industry, Game Connection is the Video Games industry's premier bsiness convention, bringing the world's top publishers and developers to Lyon every year.

Game Connection enables publishers and developers to meet at the same time and in the same place to do business. It gives developers the opportunity to show off their projects and meet publishers in search of projects in a truly professional setting. Thus, Game Connection meets a genuine need expressed by the Video Games industry and the concept - a convention for industry professionals only, allowing them to meet in a quiet setting with private booths has won participants over.

The fifth edition, held in December 2005, brought together 86 development studios (Arkane Studios, Blue 52, Bohemia Interactive, Cyanide, Eutechnyx Limited, Rebellion, Widescreen Games...) and 86 publishers (Nintendo, Namco, Sony, Sega...) and producers from around the globe for some 3,000 private meetings The Game Connection@GDC is sponsored by

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