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Submissions open for the Leftfield Collection at Rezzed 2017

Exhibit your game for free at London's greatest consumer show

With an expected audience of over 15,000 of the UK's most dedicated gamers, EGX Rezzed 2017 looks set to be London's greatest consumer gaming show of the coming year, offering a chance to exhibit in the heart of the capital during the London Games Festival between March 30 and April 1.

Now, thanks to the Leftfield Collection, you might be able to do so for free. Continuing a long tradition of offering floor space to the most interesting indie titles being developed across the UK, Europe and beyond, the Leftfield collection has played host to the likes of Line Wobbler, Proteus, Taphobos - An Immersive Coffin Experience and That Dragon, Cancer in past years, offering a spring board for international success and recognition. This year, that could be you.

"Since its inception in 2008 as the Indie Arcade, the Leftfield Collection has provided a free platform for indie developers to show games and game-like experiences to the EGX audience," said a Gamer Network Events spokesperson. "Each collection has featured a diverse range of projects with more conventional titles sitting alongside games utilising non-traditional controllers and others defying genre classification."

Places are limited, however, and there are some restrictions. Full details of the process can be found here, and submissions remain open until January 20th. Any further questions can be directed to David Hayward at

Full disclosure: is a part of the Gamer Network, which runs EGX Rezzed and EGX.

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