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Speakers wanted for Serious Games Summit 2006

Event organisers CMP Game Group has announced that speakers are now being sought for the Serious Games Summit, which will run during next year's Game Developers Conference in March.

Event organisers CMP Game Group has announced that speakers are now being sought for the Serious Games Summit, which will run during next year's Game Developers Conference in March.

The conference is designed to provide developers with an opportunity to exchange ideas and strengthen diversity in the non-entertainment games market. According to the website, the 2006 event currently has six topics which deal with all aspects of serious game design, marketing and development issues, as well as a broader look at the industry as a whole. Submissions are requested for each category, but new topics and original track suggestions are also welcome.

The presentation format for the event, which runs as part of the annual Games Developers conference, is separated into sixty-minute sessions featuring lectures, panel viewpoints, roundtable events and poster sessions which include both theoretical and practical information displayed on pre-prepared 1 meter poster boards.

Industry professionals with an in-depth understanding, passion and proven expertise in their chosen topic are invited to submit speech proposals up until November 7th, 2005. Anyone interested should apply through the event website at

The Game Developers Conference will be held in San Francisco, running over five days from the 7th-11th March 2006. The event includes keynote speeches, conferences and an expo designed as a showcase for developers, publishers and industry professionals.

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