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Sony "not aware" of PS3 errors

Company's customer services department unable to shed light on reports of errors affecting its flagship console

Sony Europe's customer services department has said that it is "not aware" of any problems affecting the PlayStation 3 console, despite some reports suggesting isolated occurrences of a hardware failure.

An article on Game Revolver noted claims that affected machines displayed an error message on boot up, reading "Error 80010514", and stated that it was due to a bad sector on the console's hard drive or an issue regarding firmware installation.

But according to GameSpot UK the European support team has no information on the matter.

"I've spoken to our customer services department, and they aren't aware of this issue with the PS3," said an SCEE spokesperson.

Rumours of PlayStation 3 hardware failures have been scarce since the console launched in Europe last year - which has so far contrasted sharply with the glut of Xbox 360 machines suffering from the Red Ring of Death.

Microsoft has committed to repairing consoles hit by hardware failures in a move that could cost the Corporation up to USD 1 billion, but so far reports of PS3 problems are unverified and seem isolated.

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