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A game based in social network du jour Twitter.

VIRGINIA, USA - JUNE 9, 2009 - ITCH, INC., the indie developer behind popular web based MMOG's such as Oil Empires, Race Kings and Drugrunners today announced the availability of a new, original Twitter game called SNODS (Social Networks Online Defense Squads).

"Sure, it's fun to follow your friends and favorite celebrities to get their update stream. But, honestly, there are a lot of times where you just want to slap them with a large trout or lock them up and gag them! That's what SNODS allows you to do." says ITCH CEO, Nitin Malhotra. "Following someone like Ashton Kutcher or Shaquille O'Neal makes me feel more engaged with them, but when I capture them and hold then in my SNODS holding pen ... now that's REAL engagement!" adds ITCH's Co-owner Joe Flowers.

SNODS is a web based game which is heavily integrated into and playable via Twitter. As a SNODS Agent, your primary objective is to capture and hold the biggest 'whales' on twitter (the SNODS term for someone with a lot of followers). The game is full of secondary missions such as trivia questions about your twitter captives, battles against fellow SNODS agents, and scavenger hunts where you're given a list of related twitterers to hunt down and capture.

SNODS actually allows players to play the game directly from twitter just by tweeting their commands into twitter. The game automatically picks up and processes these actions via the players' tweetstream. eMillionaire and twitter addict Jeremy Schoemaker (@shoemoney on twitter with 33,000 followers and a SNODS beta test participant) commented "I love that I can attack other players and recapture my stolen captives right from twitter. SNODS really highlights what's possible with full twitter integration, not just for games, but for any kind of application."

SNODS is free and available to anyone to play now. Simply goto and log in with your twitter account to begin playing.


Run by Nitin Malhotra and Joe Flowers, ITCH,INC. owns and operates and several online games dedicated to the free to play, browser based, and massively multiplayer model. Games owned and operated by ITCH, include Oil Empires, Race Kings, Drugrunners and many others. The company is focused on providing unique and engaging user experiences and embracing the latest trends and Internet developments. All ITCH games are free to play and are web based and already have attracted over 200,000 players across all their games.


Phil White at or

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