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Serious Games Summit D.C Keynotes announced

The Serious Games Summit D.C. (SGSDC) gains a new keynote to start the event, as Dr. Peter Perla and Doug Whatley discuss the art and the science of serious game design.

Designed to explore the application of more scientific definition, understanding and design of war games, the session will cover the six key dimensions that a war game must use to represent reality: time, space, forces, effects, information, and command.

Dr. Perla gained joined the Centre for Naval Analyses in 1977 as a naval operations research analyst. He has since designed a naval game, documented existing Navy war games, and led a study to define the uses of war gaming and identify its fundamental principles.

Douglas Whatley has over 20 years of game development and management experience. He founded BreakAway in 1998; a company who focus on simulation, modelling and 3-D visualization technology.

'What's So Serious about Game Design? The Art or the Science?' will be the first keynote for the expo, which begins on 31st October 2005.

Day two of the event will begin with 'Riding the Cutting Edge of Distributed Intelligence', a keynote by Dr. Dave Warner, MD, Ph.D.

Dr. Warner, medical neuroscientist and director of the Institute for Interventional Informatics, will be discussing ways of identifying methods and techniques which optimise information flow between humans and computers.

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