Semantic Equaliser
Audio tool that interfaces with Wwise and FMOD to generate context-sensitive sound effects.
For Immediate Release….
Audio Factory Ltd have announced the Semantic Equaliser, their first software release for PC and consoles, that allows any sound or game designer, without programming skills, to create and test complex logic based gameplay ‘queries’ or scenarios related to the triggering of in-game sound effects and DSP effects, with the Semantic Equaliser automatically generating the code that interfaces to commercial sound engines like Audiokinetic’s Wwise and FMOD.
First demos of the software will take place mid–March 2009 at selected developers and publishers in the UK, and at the GDC in San Francisco in late March 2009.
For more information contact:
Audio Factory Ltd,
Targetech Innovation Center, Hagavish 4A, New Industrial Area,
P.O.B. 8027 Netanya,
42101 Israel
Tel: 972.9.8656598
Fax: 972.9.8851090