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Rosensweig: Download revenue is getting "interesting"

Guitar Hero CEO reveals each month sees record results against the last

The CEO of Activision's Guitar Hero business, Dan Rosensweig, has told that the game's online presence is more and more important - and that revenues from that segment are "getting to the point of being interesting."

Speaking in an interview last week, he explained that while a few years ago a connected experience was less relevant, today it forms an increasing part of the overall offering, and that consumers were responding to that.

"Three years ago not at all," he replied when questioned how important the online business was to Guitar Hero. "I think it was really too early to focus on it until now, because until now really only the Xbox was connected.

"But now, as all the first parties are moving towards greater connectivity, that market place just really opens up - that's why this year's game, having forward compatibility and being able to bring your music with you, that's a big advancement.

"We have a really exciting slate, including five Rolling Stones songs, and we just see a constant rise in the percentage of our users that are connected to the internet, the percentage that are playing online, and the percentage that are downloading music - it just keeps getting bigger and bigger."

When asked about the specific input that downloadable content revenue was bringing to the business Rosensweig declined to specify numbers, but said: "I'll tell you that each month is a record versus the previous month, and it's getting to the point of being interesting."

The full interview with Dan Rosensweig is available now, as part one and part two.

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