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Rock Band pricing confirmed

A Harmonix representative has confirmed Rock Band's US retail price and release date

A Harmonix representative has confirmed the US retail price and release date for their upcoming Rock Band game.

Online retailer recently changed the listing of the game to reflect a price of USD 169.99 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, with a release date of November 23. According to a GameSpot story, a Harmonix representative confirmed that Amazon's information was correct.

The Xbox 360 and PS3 bundles include a wired drum kit, guitar, and microphone along with a copy of the game. The 360 Stratocaster guitar controller will be wired, and the bundle will include a USB hub. The PS3 Stratocaster guitar will be wireless.

The PS2 version will sell for USD 159.99, and won't be available until December 10 according to the Harmonix spokesperson. The game and instruments will also be sold separately.

Calls to Harmonix were not immediately returned.

UPDATE: An EA public relations manager has confirmed that the date and price were reported correctly. No word yet on an official UK release date or price.

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