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Relentless Climb Up The Charts - Develop 100 Reveals Studio's continuing Success

Moving up to second place and entering the coveted Top 20

4th April 2007. Brighton, UK. Relentless Software today celebrates its position as the second most successful independent studio in the world based on UK sales of £14.05M of Buzz!: The Music Quiz and Buzz! : The BIG Quiz, according to the Develop 100 published today.

This latest accolade tops a year in which the studio won a BAFTA and two Develop Awards for Buzz!

Michael French, Editor of Develop said, "The Develop 100 acknowledges the real victors in the games industry's tireless pace to create games that are both creative and commercial - the developers themselves. With the UK studios in the list putting on a stronger showing than ever before for the 2007 edition, it's great to see independents such as Relentless rise up the ranking."

The second placed UK independent developer, Relentless rose twenty-three places on the previous year to sit at twentieth overall - against heavyweights including Electronic Arts and Nintendo. A massive achievement for the fledgling studio, founded in late 2003 by experienced industry figures Andrew Eades and David Amor.

Andrew Eades, Development Director of Relentless commented, "This is testament to the strength of development talent in the UK and the rise of social gaming. The buzzer and other non-standard controllers make all the difference to a new audience - until recently our industry hasn't catered well for the mainstream player, it's great to be attracting new players to video games."

Buzz!: The MEGA Quiz was recently announced by SCEE and will be released in April 2007. A new addition, Buzz! : The Schools Quiz, designed around the Key Stage 2 primary school curriculum for use in the classroom has recently been successfully trialled in schools.

David Amor, Creative Director of Relentless added, "It's great to see that Buzz continues to hold its own amongst such prolific licenses."

Buzz!: The Music Quiz and Buzz!: The Big Quiz are available on PlayStation®2, published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Other titles in the range are also widely available throughout Europe with more to follow.

For further information on Relentless Software please contact:

Alison Beasley, Lincoln Beasley PR. T: +44 (0) 1608 645756

E: M: +44 (0) 7966 449130

About Relentless Software

Relentless Software is a BAFTA award winning company founded in 2003 by Andrew Eades and David Amor. Each with a long track record in the industry they set out to develop new and exciting games for the mass market; games that anyone can enjoy, without a steep learning curve.

Relentless released their first title, DJ: Decks & FX (SCEE), in late 2004, which was subsequently nominated for a BAFTA. They followed up with Buzz!: The Music Quiz and Buzz!: The BIG Quiz; games which featured innovative buzzers and demonstrated Relentless' commitment to making world class videogames that appeal to everyone and are simple to play. In 2006, the studio collected three prestigious awards, two Develop Industry Excellence Awards and a BAFTA for the creation of Buzz!.

For further information please visit the company website:

About Develop 100

Published by Intent Media, owners of leading industry development magazine Develop, the Develop 100 ranks the world's game development studios according to the revenues generated through UK retail in 2006. The figures come directly from ChartTrack data that represents 90-95% of all UK retail sales.

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