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Red Nose Day Hits Virtual Reality

Residents at Second Life get their Red Noses on

It's not only people up and down the UK who are busy buying Red Noses and fundraising for Comic Relief this week.

Residents of online world "Second Life" can now virtually wear the Red Nose while making a very real donation to Comic Relief.

Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents.

There are over 4.5 million members who can all buy, sell and trade inside the 'world' in Linden Dollars, the Second Life currency.

With Red Nose Day being all over shops and TV screens over the last few weeks it seems only right that inhabitants of Second Life can also don the famous Red Nose and T-Shirt.

For just 550 Linden Dollars, residents can buy a T-Shirt or a nose, with £1 in real money coming directly to Comic Relief to help make a real difference to thousands of lives in Africa and the UK.


Notes to Editors:

· For more information about Red Nose Day on Second Life, visit

· Red Nose Day 2007 -'The Big One' is on Friday 16 March.

· Red Nose Day aims to tackle poverty and social injustice in the UK and Africa. 40% of the money raised directly through Red Nose Day is allocated to work in the UK and 60% goes to work in Africa.

· Since its launch in 1985 Comic Relief has raised over £425 million.

· Comic Relief is registered with the charity commission no. 326568.

For more information contact:

Sohaib Ahmed on 0207 691 8766

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