Raise the Game
Launch event this Monday for £450,000 national initiative to combat UK games industry's skills shortage.
Media Invite…Media Invite….Media Invite
Date: Monday July 7 2008
Time: 11:15 hrs
Location: NESTA, 1 Plough Place, London, EC4 1DE
NESTA (The National Endowment for Science Technology & the Arts) is launching a new £450,000 national initiative, which aims to help combat the skills shortage and drive growth, collaboration and innovation in the UK games industry.
A special event will be held on Monday July 7, to mark the launch of, Raise the Game, where industry specialists will give their insight into the current games market. The keynote speech will come from the BBC's technology correspondent, Rory Cellan Jones, on the changing media attitudes to the UK games industry.
Available for Interview:
Charles Cecil, Managing Director, Revolution Software
Adam Gee, New Media Commissioner, Factual, Channel 4
Richard Wilson, CEO, TIGA
Paul Durrant, Director, Dare to be Digital
Jon Kingsbury, Director of Creative Economy Programme, NESTA
For further information please contact:
Stephanie Robertson or Stacey Bell on tel: 0131 556 6649 or email: srobertson@webershandwick.com / sbell@webershandwick.com.
Notes to Editors:
NESTA is the National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts. Our mission is to transform the UK’s capacity for innovation. We do this in three main ways: by working to build a more pervasive culture of innovation in this country; by providing innovators with access to early stage capital; and by driving forward research into innovation, with a view to influencing policy.