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Press release: Bounty Bay Online - Details about the skill system

While Pirate-Pete and Cimitar-Chris optimize their skills in "sailing", "fighting" and "throwing out buckets of gold for cheap alcoholic beverages", their virtual home Bounty Bay Online is most successful in the current closed beta. Time to reveal details about the skill system, which transforms every landlubber into a hard-boiled sea dog over time.

As common to MMOGs, newbies in BBO start with their skills on level 1. The first limit of skills is at level 31. From there on the master apprenticeship starts. After they visit the instructor of skills, gamers level their skills in this skill class up to a maximum of 100. If a character has six skills on that level, they stop learning but now have master status and can themselves teach students.

The most important skills in Bounty Bay Online:

- Sea battle: Determines, which skills a character can apply during sea fights. These skills build up while damaging enemy ships with cannon fire, while successfully driving against or entering hostile ships or while finishing a sea battle quest.

- Eloquence: Determines, which price one gets while selling or buying items, which kind of sales booth the gamer gets, and how many itens they can offer on that booth. Eloquence is especially essential for merchants.

- Muscular strength: Determines, how many live points one has, and defines in party the dodge rate and the damage carried out in fights with hand weapons.

- Navigation: Determines amongst others, which ship levels a player can use. This skill builds up travelling on high sea, especially by sailing through harsh weather, doing discoveries and by finishing discoverer missions.

Besides that, there are lots of further skills, e.g. skills like sword-, sabre-, axe-fighting plus shooting, and handcrafting (woodman, mining, farming, ship building, forging) and secondary skills like medicine and fishing.

"Aye, enough skills, me need a bottle o' rum aye", comments Pirate-Pete.

Right now, the Bounty Bay Online closed beta test is running. Players can sign up to take part for free:

Bounty Bay Online puts gamers in the time of early discoveries in the 15th century. Every gamer builds his own online destiny, whether you choose to be a merchant, adventurer, fisherman or pirate. Besides Europe, Africa and Asia also await players to be explored. For more info visit:

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