Power Snooker
Pocket this snooker game for free.
Power Snooker is exclusively offering the 5* rated PowerSnooker app for free from tomorrow for 2 days the 31st March - 1st April
Launched in October 2010, the app designed by Big Head Games ( http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Big-Head-Games/111113905597058) has received fantastic feedback, usually costing £2.99 to download.
"Totally awesome app!!! I've played non stop since the day it was released. Now with the new update i can honestly say its the best IPhone app out there! :-)"
Simply visit
http://market.android.com/details?id=uk.co.bigheadgames.PowerSnooker for android phones
or http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/power-snooker/id399658978?mt=8 for iphones to download the app for free.
Then join us on facebook, to enter the 'Power Snooker app championship' to win an exclusive Power Ball....http:// www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=135326126539716
Sign up to Power Snooker's e-newsletter for more exclusive offers and news on the next Power Snooker event, http://www.powersnooker.com/contact.php
Or join us on Twitter http://twitter.com/powersnooker, we'd love to hear your thoughts!
Love from Power Snooker :)
Dave Vout
Big Head Games Ltd.
Studio 2
Burnham Studios
7 Burnham Street
Surrey KT2 6QR
0208 547 3532
07930 403828