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Play The Sensible Soccer World Champion In Unofficial Official Sensible Soccer Live Arcade World Cup

Current World Champion To Lay Title On Line In Groundbreaking Gaming Website Challenge Type Thing

8th August 2007 is proud to announce the launch of The Unofficial Official Sensible Soccer World Cup, in which the game's current World Champion Simon Byron will defend his title for the very first time.

31 challengers are being sought to contend the first ever Xbox Live Unofficial Official Sensible Soccer World Cup, with representatives from the best gaming websites and blogs the world over contesting this, the ultimate videogame accolade.

The last Sensible World of Soccer World Cup was held by then-publisher Renegade Software in the City Pride Pub, back in 1994 when Simon Byron beat off stiff competition from a bunch of videogame luminaries. As this was the last time the World Cup was held officially, Simon's reign as Champion has lasted for 13 glorious years, during which time he's enjoyed intercourse with a number of impressionable videogame groupies.

But with the impending release of Sensible Soccer on Xbox Live Arcade, it's time to lay this on the line, along with the women.

32 players from around the world are being sought. With Simon Byron's place as current Champion guaranteed, and one spot being given to a user, and a <a href="" target="new">One Life Left</a> listener, that leaves 29 places up for grabs.

Entry will be given to one member of staff or reader from any current gaming website or publication. All they need to do is apply to and then find a representative as they see fit - either through competitions, their own pathetic, piddly little online tournaments or any other qualification. Once the line-up is complete, TheTriforce will organise the group and knock-out stages, with regular updates posted here on the site. All we ask is that each website covers the competition through to its conclusion.

This is the first time that the Official World Championship title has been offered in 13 years. If you want to bag a place for your website or publication, please apply stating why you think your idiotic readers are good enough to face the very best Sensible Soccer player the world has ever seen, do drop us a line.

The Official Thread of the Unofficial Official Sensible Soccer World Cup can be found <a href="" target="new">here</a>. If you're an ordinary member of the public who would like to take part, let us know why you think you're up to the challenge. Fools.

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