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Plain Sight

Ninja robot space game cut to $2 on Steam till August 26th.

Plain Sight Steam Mega Deal - Yes. You heard correctly. Plain Sight just became the cheapest way to pilot a ninja robot through the inky blackness of space that you will EVER come across. For two measly bucks!

Unless you’re a supervillain or Bill Gates or something, you would NEVER get the chance to pilot a ninja robot; and CERTAINLY not in a floating interstellar robo-deathmatch suicide arena!

As of right now, Beatnik Games are offering you the chance to be a ROBOT, and a NINJA, and in SPACE! For $2! On Steam!

Only until the 26th of August! How many times do we have to say it? ROBOT! NINJA! SPACE! TWO DOLLARS! STEAM!

But let’s not simply rely on your fervent imagination and the words robot, ninja, space and a pair of dollar signs! This is what sensible people have said about the indie multiplayer classic that is Plain Sight:

“I think it might be the prettiest game I've ever played.”Eurogamer

“Pure, joyful fun.” - PC Zone

“It has a grace that’s undeniable and irresistible.” - RockPaperShotgun

“… nothing says Hit Me quite as clearly as a giant robot.” - IGN UK

So what are you waiting for? Join in the Robo-Ninja fun! For $2 ! In space!

Right here:

But wait, there’s more!

Plain Sight has JUST been updated to include: TOP HATS!

(It worked for TF2, right?)

AND all new persistent power-ups!!

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