Alpha version of game's map editor available to try.
Wolfire has recently made the alpha version of Overgrowth's map editor available to fans that have preordered. Now players can load, save, translate, rotate and scale assets in engine to create scenes. Because the latest build also includes many high-detail building materials, fans have begun creating their own structures.
Wolfire still plans to add add more polish to the Phoenix Engine's terrain system, but it is exciting to see the abundance of assets that can now be used to decorate Overgrowth's landscape.
For an example of the in-engine buildings that can now be constructed, please observe this scene quickly arranged by Wolfire's lead artist, Aubrey Serr: http://blog.wolfire.com/2008/12/overgrowth-alpha-5-unleashed/
For more information on Wolfire or Overgrowth please visit our press page or contact:
John Graham
Wolfire Games
AIM/Skype: wolfirejohn
MSN: contact@wolfire.com