Novint Falcon
3D force feedback controller to make European debut next month at DreamHack.
Stockholm, Sweden May 22, 2008 – Reachin Technologies, the maker of the Haptics Engine HaptX introduces the highly acclaimed and award winning Novint Falcon to the European market at DreamHack, June 14 -17, 2008 in Jönköping, Sweden.
The Novint Falcon is the game controller, which has received a lot of attention, especially in the US, since its launch last year. Replacing the mouse or joystick, the Falcon is, essentially, a small robot that lets you feel and interact in genuine 3D within computer games.
The Novint Falcon lets you feel high-fidelity three-dimensional force feedback (haptics), while controlling the game in three dimensions. The Falcon controller not only moves right, left, up and down, like a mouse, but also moves inwards and outwards for a true 3D touch enabled gaming experience. By holding the Falcon’s detachable grip and moving the proxy, the gamer can interact freely with the objects in the environment; even touch the back side of objects. The motors of the device are synchronized with the graphics and physics data of the game letting the gamer feel textures, shapes, weight, dimension, and overall dynamics. The critics have so far been unanimous stating that the Falcon provides a more immersive and intense computer gaming experience, some even stating that it’s Nintendo Wii and Force Feedback on steroids.
The Novint Falcon will be on display at the HaptX booth at DreamHack, where visitors can experience games such as Quake 4, Half Life 2, Penumbra: Overture and Black Plague first hand. Novint Falcons will also be available for the first time to consumers in Sweden and the rest of Europe for purchase at DreamHack as well as on the HaptX web site
"Our collaboration with Novint Technologies started over two years ago and since then we have not only developed HaptX, a state of the art Haptics Engine for high-fidelity 3D force feedback in computer games, but together with Novint we have also invested and created a series of games where we utilize and display the amazing capabilities of the Falcon. For us to be able to introduce the Novint Falcon to Europe and especially the Swedish and Nordic gaming community is a tremendous milestone and great step forward in making this technology widely available outside of the US. We have received massive amounts of requests from gamers asking how they can get their hands on the Novint Falcon since its introduction in the US 9 months ago and now we are able to accommodate these requests”, says Mats Lordin, CEO of Reachin Technologies.
Experience the Novint Falcon and HaptX at DreamHack- The Novint Falcon will be on display at the HaptX booth in Hall B at Dreamhack in Jönköping, Sweden, June 14 through 17, 2008. Besides experiencing the Falcon in Quake 4 multiplayer tournaments and competitions, the participants will also be able to experience other games supporting the Falcon such as Half Life 2 and the new version of the game Penumbra: Black Plague HaptX Edition, which will be released on May 28th.
About DreamHack - DreamHack is the world's largest LAN-party and computer festival. Last winter over 10,000 people were registered! DreamHack is focused on everything and anything you can do with computers but especially gaming, communication, programming, designing and music composing. Besides organizing a lot of large game tournaments, DreamHack is also filled with activities and surprises. For more information on DreamHack please visit:
About HaptX® - HaptX ( embeds 10 years of development and know-how into a product now available for the consumer entertainment market. HaptX is a haptics engine which allows state-of-the-art haptic effects to be incorporated into computer games. The HaptX Team recently released the game Penumbra: Overture HaptX Edition, presenting a revolutionary new gaming experience of mysteries and puzzles through 3D interaction and in-game sense of touch. The sequel, Penumbra: Black Plague HaptX Edition will be released on May 28th 2008, presenting even more advanced HaptX features such as soft surfaces, fluids and detailed textures.
About Reachin Technologies – Reachin Technologies is a privately held company located in Stockholm, Sweden. Reachin has developed cutting edge software for haptic applications since 1997, and has ex ensive experience within MediTech and advanced R&D world wide. With the release of HaptX, Reachin Technologies is setting out to be a pioneer in making high-fidelity haptic software affordable and useful for mass-market next-gen game products.
About Novint Technologies - Novint Technologies is a pioneer of 3D touch for consumer computing, developing a new category of products that add high-fidelity interactive threedimensional touch to computing, through the highly acclaimed and award-winning Novint Falcon. The Novint Falcon is a first-of-a-kind game controller that lets gamers experience realistic 3D touch and force feedback when playing touch-enabled games. For more information on Novint Technologies please visit:
For more information on the Novint Falcon or HaptX please visit or email via
For further enquiries on this press release and demos, please feel free to contact me personally.
Helena Backman
Office Assistant
Reachin Technologies AB
Förmansvägen 11
117 43 Stockholm, Sweden
Office: +46-8-556 766 20