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Nintendo Switch on track to outpace ten-month sales of the Wii by 20%

Xbox One X sales predicted to exceed 600,000 this year, adds industry analyst

The Nintendo Switch is on track to outpace the Wii by 20% over the first ten months of sales, according to NPD analyst Matt Piscatella.

In a discussion on the Resetra forums, Piscatalla said that while the Switch was nothing like the Wii "from a demographic and usage basis", the fact that it's a hybrid means that multiple-console households "could be a thing", making it potentially far bigger than the Wii.

He added that if Nintendo delivers on its teased promise of a Pokémon RPG for the Switch, the console could grow to dominate the market.

"If Pokemon comes next year I can easily see Switch outpacing Wii and taking 40+ share of the hardware market next year," he said,

"But it does depend on if Pokemon is next year or not."

He also suggested that 2017 has been a good year for console and software sales in general, and that the Xbox One X sales could "blow past" 600,000 units for this year "just from making more stock than I thought they would."

According to Piscatella, digital Black Friday sales from Sony and Microsoft have been "phenomenal". However, as Nintendo doesn't share digital sales figures with the NPD, he was unable to offer insight into the its performance.

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Ivy Taylor: Ivy joined in 2017 having previously worked as a regional journalist, and a political campaigns manager before that. They are also one of the UK's foremost Sonic the Hedgehog apologists.
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