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NPD: Nintendo happy with better hardware supply

Improvements in post-holiday inventory spur solid console sales

Nintendo has pronounced itself pleased that inventory of its hardware platforms in the US have seen some improvements, leading to another month of market-leading numbers in March.

While the industry overall grew by 6 per cent, Nintendo's DSi XL and Wii consoles sold more than 1.2 million units combined, with the latter picking up after supply issues in the post-holiday period.

"Demand for Nintendo fun continues unabated," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive VP of Sales & Marketing. "We're glad so many people are able to get their hands on our systems as we prepare for the May launches of Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii and Picross 3D for our Nintendo DS systems."

Meanwhile Microsoft's reaction to the March results focused on the percentage of units sold on the Xbox 360 console for the top-selling game - Battlefield: Bad Company 2. In total gamers bought 826,000 copies for Microsoft consoles, amounting to 65 per cent of total sales of the title.

A statement from the platform holder also noted its life-to-date lead in third-party sales was still intact, having contributed $191 million in the month of March - more than any other console.

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