New from Xing Mobile: Bart's Dominoes
In the skyrocketing Bart van Assen franchise the second
mobile game featuring the popular character has surfaced.
This time he plays Dominoes with his two friends who are
imaginatively just named "Girl" and "Dog". Since Bart is too
lazy to pronounce longer names he had to unfortunately
exclude his other friend Sir Jefferson Blackthorne Smythe the
Third from this particular board game so he now has to face
the superior wits of "Girl" and try to keep up with "Dog"
during the game. Good luck! Bart will need more of it then is
in existence as otherwise he'll never win...
Bart's Dominoes is available for all MIDP-2 handsets with a
screen resolution of 176x208 or higher. If you are interested
in distributing Bart's Dominoes or Xing Mobile's 30+ other
J2ME game titles then please contact Alex de Vries at For more information
regarding Xing Mobile and/or Xing Mobile's products please