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Namesco puts Xbox 360 and 1 year's free Broadband up to 8Mbps up for grabs.

Thursday 6th December 2005

To celebrate the launch of BroadbandMax, Namesco is giving visitors to it's site the opportunity to win an elusive Xbox 360 and one year's free broadband with speeds up to 8Mb, and no download limits, in its December competition.

A spokesman for Namesco said "Our newly launched BroadbandMax products offer the service to match the Xbox 360's fantastic online capabilities; there are no peak time restrictions, we will offer the fastest speed available on the user's BT line with a free upgrade as soon as things get faster and most importantly for gamers: no time limits to how long you spend online; after all, how much gaming fun can you really have in just 8 hours?"

For a chance to win this fantastic prize, worth over £688, visitors simply need to answer a question about the Xbox 360's features. The competition is free to enter and no purchase is necessary, making this a great opportunity for anyone wishing to get hold of the most wanted technology must-haves of the year.

Notes to editors

Namesco originated as two separate Internet start-ups in 1996 and 1997 trading as Internet Services Limited and Limited. Both businesses came together in December 2000 during which time the name was changed to Internet plc and traded on the London Stock Exchange.

Namesco Limited are now proud to be the 6th largest domain name and hosting provider within the UK Domain and Hosting sector and among the top 50 world-wide; a position they have attained through strong organic growth and via acquisition, most notably, the recent acquisition of and NDO.

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