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Music Catch

Flash-based "internet sensation" re-released as a downloadable game.

Lake Forest, CA – August 26th, 2008 – In June, with little fanfare, Reflexive ( posted a new flash game called Music Catch to Nearly overnight the game became an internet sensation, garnering millions upon millions of plays and quickly rising to the top of every flash game website, as the soulful sounds and simple game play captivated gamers all over the world.

Now, after months of improvements, Music Catch is back as a fully-featured downloadable game that takes the magic of Music Catch into your own personal music library.

"When I first came up with the idea for Music Catch, my intent was for people to be able to play with their own music in the game," said game designer Isaac Shepard. "Unfortunately, due to some limitations, it wasn't something that we could do with the online game. So when we started talking about doing a downloadable version, it was the one feature that I was sure needed to be included."

In addition to being able to experience your own MP3 collection in an entirely new way, the downloadable version of Music Catch also includes 12 songs of its own with several tracks from popular Reflexive games such as Wik: Fable of Souls and Ricochet, joining the sublime Before Dawn, the song that became a phenomenon alongside the original online flash version of the game.

Music Catch also now features medals and achievements that are awarded for each song, including those from your own MP3 collection, along with a song-specific High-Score table that will challenge you to outscore your friends and family on all your favorite MP3s.

A full-featured 30-minute demo of Music Catch can be downloaded from, and from for both Windows PC and Apple Macintosh. A time-unlimited version, giving you just enough time to play your entire MP3 library, is available for $9.99.

About Reflexive Entertainment:

Founded in 1997, with one goal in mind, to make great games, Reflexive Entertainment's passionate focus on game design has led to the creation of many top-selling and award-winning games including the Ricochet and the Big Kahuna franchises (with over 40 million total downloads) and the 2006 Downloadable Game of the Year, Wik: Fable of Souls. In addition to developing games, Reflexive has created one of the largest casual game distribution networks in existence with more than 500 affiliates distributing a huge catalog of over 1000 games to a rapidly growing audience that downloads millions of games each week.


For further information, please contact:

Russell Carroll

Director of Marketing

(949)830-1903 Ext 14

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