Revenue-sharing contest winners chosen.
OVIEDO, SPAIN, Apr 2, 2010 - The contest that Milkstone Studios announced 15 days ago has come to an end, and the 27 lucky winners have been chosen.
Milkstone Studios did state at the beginning of the contest that almost all of their earnings during the length of the contest would be given as additional prizes, and they kept their word.
Starting with a few prizes, the value of the prizes increased steadily each day, almost reaching $500.
"The contest had a large participation, almost 1,500 players took part.", says Alejandro Gonzalez, CEO of Milkstone Studios."We wished we could give even more to the players that are supporting our game, because we think it's that good."
Sadly, it's not likely that they will repeat something like this in a near future.
"Logically, our goal for this contest was to get more people to try the game. And that goal hasn't been met. "
Despite the high conversion ratio (1 player of every 5 ended buying the full game last week), the game is slowly dropping off the download lists.
"We've gotten lots of feedback about MotorHEAT, and we know people liked the game a lot, but not many people are trying the game and that's hurting us."
MotorHEAT is available NOW at the Xbox LIVE Indie Marketplace at a retail price of 240 MS Points.
The full list of winners can be found on