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MobileRated Serves 750,000 Mobile Phone Game Downloads Per Month

June 11, 2007, Victoria, Canada: Will consumers search for and download free games for their mobile phones? MobileRated answers with a resounding yes. Customers currently download at a rate of over 750,000 games per month. Officially launched in November 2006, MobileRated offers customers free and legal downloads of over 350 games and applications for their mobile phones from over 80 independent developers.

"MobileRated content is always free to our customers," enthused President & CEO, Richard Mosher. "We offer a marketplace for hobbiest and open source projects as well as for profit businesses. Games are available using different distribution models, including our FreePlay in-game advertising model and our Try&Buy demos. We also support third party advergaming and business models from companies such as HOVR. The more the merrier, as long as the product is free to the customer and is very clear about what it delivers. Customers should know before they download exactly what they are getting, and that policy is at the core of the MobileRated service model. At the end of the day, all games are judged based upon their merits. Some of my favourite games are the totally free games. We truly have something for everyone."

MobileRated is an off-deck mobile phone and web portal. Customers can find and download games directly from their mobile phones using its mobile browser. Phone models will be automatically detected and the matching games will be presented. As well, customers can browse the website from their computers and download games via wireless or cable connections.

"One of the hassles of off-deck content is paying for things," explains Mosher. "Do you trust the site, and can you pay conveniently from your phone? With MobileRated, these concerns go away. You can download whatever content interests you without punching in credit card information. Free content opens the door to all those mobile phone users reluctant to get started. With MobileRated, there is no excuse not to become a mobile phone gamer. Our download numbers confirm this."

About MobileRated:

MobileRated is your source for Free Phone Fun! Dedicated to the concept of free mobile phone games and entertainment services, MobileRated is a wap and web portal offering free games for mobile phones. Included are open source, demos/trials, ad-supported, and totally free games. Games are reviewed, rated, categorized and ranked by popularity, making it easy to find exactly what you are looking for. Discover a better way to play - discover (web) and (wap).

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